The overall length of the waveform (sound) is determined by a parameter in the Output operator. To set the length of the waveform (that is, the length of time in seconds the patch will play):

  Open the simple patch you created in the 1st tutorial, Creating a Simple JSYD Patch  :

  • Select the Output operator by clicking on it once. The output operator is on the right side of the window and resembles a speaker.
  • When you have the Output operator selected, you should see these parameters at the bottom of the window:
         Note the value in the Duration field. This value sets the duration of the sound (waveform) in seconds.  Setting the duration to 4 would produce a 4 second sound.  Setting the duration to 2.5 would produce a sound of 2.5 seconds.

In addition to setting the duration of the waveform, you should also check the setting of the OUTPUT. The default should be Output to Memory.

Synthesize the sound and listen for the overall length.

Try changing the duration of the output to different values and then listen for the results. You have to SYNTHESE the patch after EACH parameter change. Otherwise you will not affect any difference in the sound you hear.

Before you complete this tutorial, close all JSYD files and quit that application.

Once you create and  SYNTHESIZE a JSYD patch you will probably want to SAVE it so you can open and edit it at a later time. To save your JSYD patch, you will have to create a new directory (folder) in the USERS folder of your computer hard drive. Do that now and name the folder something that is meaningful to you, such as “JSYD files”.

Next, you should copy the JSYD application (Jsyd.jar) from the applications folder to this new folder which you created. Although when you save a JSYD patch, you can choose any directory you want, JSYD will always write soundfiles in the same directory as the application. This will become an issue in later tutorials so it is a good idea to get in the habit of copying the JSYD application to your new directory now.

To procede, find the JSYD application you copied into your new directory from above and launch it by double clicking on it. Now either create a new patch from scratch or open the patch you created from Tutorial 1 if you saved it in the Users folder.

To save your patch, select “Save As” in the File popup menu in the top left corner of the JSYD window. Find the folder you just created in the USERS folder and select it. Save your patch by naming it something that is meaningful to you, such as “Patch1.syd”.

JSYD will automatically put the file extension, “.syd” on the end of any file name that you create. Please do NOT deviate from this convention. It is important that you see the .syd extension so you can determine the difference between JSYD files and SOUNDFILES. For example:


You cannot recreate a JSYD patch and its unique parameters from a standard soundfile such as AIFF or WAV. So if you do not save your patch, you will not be able to recover it from a soundfile such as AIFF or WAV.

You should already have completed JSYD Tutorial 1 and have that patch open. If you did not complete that tutorial or cannot open the file, you will have to re-do that tutorial. At any rate, you will need to have a completed patch before you can procede with this tutorial.

Once you SYNTHESIZE your JSYD patch, you should be able to view a graphic representation of the waveform at the bottom of the window. To view the waveform:

1. Synthesize the patch by clicking on the SYNTHESIZE button at the top left of the window (it has a green “S”).
2. Click in a blank area of the window (not on an operator). Your window should look like this.

If your graphic area is smaller than the one above, expand it by clicking and dragging on the small button in the center and just above the graphic area.

To ZOOM IN on the waveform graphic, double-click the mouse within the graphic area :

To ZOOM OUT on the waveform graphic, hold down the COMMAND KEY and double-click the mouse within the graphic area .

To hear this sound, click on this link: JSYDSound2.aiff